Written on December 21, 2021

GitHub SSH

I keep forgetting the steps to do this, so for my benefit, here are the steps to enable an SSH connection to GitHub.

Basic GitHub Repo Cloning

1. Generate public ssh key
> ssh-keygen -t rsa

2. Display the contents of the new public ssh key
> cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

3. copy everything from "ssh-rsa" through end of email address

4. Add contents of rsa.pub into GitHub -> Settings -> SSH & GPG Keys

5. Clone the repo
> git clone git@gitlab.com:<repo>.git

Getting a specific Branch

The steps above will get you a basic repo over to your machine. However, if you want to change into a specific branch of that repo, you need to do the following.

1. Change into the newly created repo folder (when you enter the repo, 
it shows the branch you're in, which is "master" by default)

> cd <repo_name>
User@Machine MINGW64 ~/<repo_name> (master) 

2. Check to see what branches are available
$ git branch -av
* master                          59f116b Merge branch 'modify_algorithm' into 'master'
  remotes/origin/HEAD             -> origin/master
  remotes/origin/master           59f116b Merge branch 'modify_algorithm' into 'master'
  remotes/origin/modify_algorithm 6e20ea3 added data files
  remotes/origin/national_run     c035975 completed national run

3. Grab one of the branches
> git branch remotes/origin/national_run 

4. Change over to using the new branch
> git checkout remotes/origin/national_run
warning: refname 'remotes/origin/national_run' is ambiguous.
Switched to branch 'remotes/origin/national_run'

User@Machine MINGW64 ~/<repo_name> (remotes/origin/national_run) 

Creating New Repo from Project Dir

Often, I’ve been working for a little while in a directory that now has a project structure and I’d like to push the whole mess up to Github in a new repo.

1. Create the new Repo in the online Github interface.  Create it without README or anything else.

2. On your local machine:

$ cd <PROJECT_DIR> (AZML_Workbench_Demo in this case)
$ git init

# Create a README.md

$ git add *
$ git commit -m "first commit"
$ git branch -M main
$ git remote add origin git@github.com:lagerratrobe/AZML_Workbench_Demo.git
$ git push -u origin main
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